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Integrated Modeling and Optimization for Service Systems (iMOSS) Lab

CSM seminar

Seminar presentation

The invitation to present a seminar on the maintenance and operation of wind farm systems at the prestigious Colorado School of Mines was truly an honor. During my visit, I had the privilege of exploring the cutting-edge research at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). Witnessing firsthand the groundbreaking work being done to propel renewable energy forward was both enlightening and motivating.

Our Vision

A future in which all service systems, public and private, would pair with efficiency and effectiveness required by the end customer.

Our Mission

Our mission is to foster interdisciplinary education and research efforts to problems in service systems.

Research Interests

Capacity planning and optimal resources allocation for large-scale service systems.

Recent News:

  • [Feb 2024] Dr. Pérez provided a seminar presentation in the Department of Industrial Engineering at the Rochester Institute of Technology on Feb. 2, 2024.
  • [Nov 2023] Dr. Pérez provided a seminar presentation in the Department of Industrial Engineering at the Colorado School of Mines on Nov. 30, 2023.
  • [May 2023] Dr. Pérez is named Associate Editor of the INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics